Spring Boot 任务task源码分析

2018/01/26 Spring 浏览


在Spring Boot中添加任务job时,已提供很好的支持,只需在SpringBoot启动类加@EnableScheduling注解即可


package com.lishiots.lshui;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.EnableScheduling;

public class ApiApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		SpringApplication.run(ApiApplication.class, args);




 * Copyright 2002-2016 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.scheduling.annotation;

import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Import;
import org.springframework.scheduling.Trigger;
import org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTaskRegistrar;

 * Enables Spring's scheduled task execution capability, similar to
 * functionality found in Spring's {@code <task:*>} XML namespace. To be used
 * on @{@link Configuration} classes as follows:
 * <pre class="code">
 * &#064;Configuration
 * &#064;EnableScheduling
 * public class AppConfig {
 *     // various &#064;Bean definitions
 * }</pre>
 * This enables detection of @{@link Scheduled} annotations on any Spring-managed
 * bean in the container. For example, given a class {@code MyTask}
 * <pre class="code">
 * package com.myco.tasks;
 * public class MyTask {
 *     &#064;Scheduled(fixedRate=1000)
 *     public void work() {
 *         // task execution logic
 *     }
 * }</pre>
 * the following configuration would ensure that {@code MyTask.work()} is called
 * once every 1000 ms:
 * <pre class="code">
 * &#064;Configuration
 * &#064;EnableScheduling
 * public class AppConfig {
 *     &#064;Bean
 *     public MyTask task() {
 *         return new MyTask();
 *     }
 * }</pre>
 * Alternatively, if {@code MyTask} were annotated with {@code @Component}, the
 * following configuration would ensure that its {@code @Scheduled} method is
 * invoked at the desired interval:
 * <pre class="code">
 * &#064;Configuration
 * &#064;EnableScheduling
 * &#064;ComponentScan(basePackages="com.myco.tasks")
 * public class AppConfig {
 * }</pre>
 * Methods annotated with {@code @Scheduled} may even be declared directly within
 * {@code @Configuration} classes:
 * <pre class="code">
 * &#064;Configuration
 * &#064;EnableScheduling
 * public class AppConfig {
 *     &#064;Scheduled(fixedRate=1000)
 *     public void work() {
 *         // task execution logic
 *     }
 * }</pre>
 * <p>By default, will be searching for an associated scheduler definition: either
 * a unique {@link org.springframework.scheduling.TaskScheduler} bean in the context,
 * or a {@code TaskScheduler} bean named "taskScheduler" otherwise; the same lookup
 * will also be performed for a {@link java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService}
 * bean. If neither of the two is resolvable, a local single-threaded default
 * scheduler will be created and used within the registrar.
 * <p>When more control is desired, a {@code @Configuration} class may implement
 * {@link SchedulingConfigurer}. This allows access to the underlying
 * {@link ScheduledTaskRegistrar} instance. For example, the following example
 * demonstrates how to customize the {@link Executor} used to execute scheduled
 * tasks:
 * <pre class="code">
 * &#064;Configuration
 * &#064;EnableScheduling
 * public class AppConfig implements SchedulingConfigurer {
 *     &#064;Override
 *     public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
 *         taskRegistrar.setScheduler(taskExecutor());
 *     }
 *     &#064;Bean(destroyMethod="shutdown")
 *     public Executor taskExecutor() {
 *         return Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(100);
 *     }
 * }</pre>
 * <p>Note in the example above the use of {@code @Bean(destroyMethod="shutdown")}.
 * This ensures that the task executor is properly shut down when the Spring
 * application context itself is closed.
 * <p>Implementing {@code SchedulingConfigurer} also allows for fine-grained
 * control over task registration via the {@code ScheduledTaskRegistrar}.
 * For example, the following configures the execution of a particular bean
 * method per a custom {@code Trigger} implementation:
 * <pre class="code">
 * &#064;Configuration
 * &#064;EnableScheduling
 * public class AppConfig implements SchedulingConfigurer {
 *     &#064;Override
 *     public void configureTasks(ScheduledTaskRegistrar taskRegistrar) {
 *         taskRegistrar.setScheduler(taskScheduler());
 *         taskRegistrar.addTriggerTask(
 *             new Runnable() {
 *                 public void run() {
 *                     myTask().work();
 *                 }
 *             },
 *             new CustomTrigger()
 *         );
 *     }
 *     &#064;Bean(destroyMethod="shutdown")
 *     public Executor taskScheduler() {
 *         return Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(42);
 *     }
 *     &#064;Bean
 *     public MyTask myTask() {
 *         return new MyTask();
 *     }
 * }</pre>
 * <p>For reference, the example above can be compared to the following Spring XML
 * configuration:
 * <pre class="code">
 * {@code
 * <beans>
 *     <task:annotation-driven scheduler="taskScheduler"/>
 *     <task:scheduler id="taskScheduler" pool-size="42"/>
 *     <task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="taskScheduler">
 *         <task:scheduled ref="myTask" method="work" fixed-rate="1000"/>
 *     </task:scheduled-tasks>
 *     <bean id="myTask" class="com.foo.MyTask"/>
 * </beans>
 * }</pre>
 * The examples are equivalent save that in XML a <em>fixed-rate</em> period is used
 * instead of a custom <em>{@code Trigger}</em> implementation; this is because the
 * {@code task:} namespace {@code scheduled} cannot easily expose such support. This is
 * but one demonstration how the code-based approach allows for maximum configurability
 * through direct access to actual componentry.<p>
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 3.1
 * @see Scheduled
 * @see SchedulingConfiguration
 * @see SchedulingConfigurer
 * @see ScheduledTaskRegistrar
 * @see Trigger
 * @see ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
public @interface EnableScheduling {





 * @since:screen-api 1.0
 * @author <a href="mailto:xiaoymin@foxmail.com">xiaoymin@foxmail.com</a> 
 * 2018/01/22 13:44
public class JgJob {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JgJob.class);

    JgService jgService;

    @Scheduled(cron = "0 0/2 * * * ?")
    public void jgFlowJob(){
        logger.info(new DateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));
        String date=DateTime.now().toString("yyyyMMddHHmm");


  • 使用该注解标注的方法将会被执行,指定cron或者fxedDelay或者fixedRate属性
  • 该注解标注必须无参数,如果有返回参数,将会被忽略
  • 通过类ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor注入
 * An annotation that marks a method to be scheduled. Exactly one of
 * the {@link #cron()}, {@link #fixedDelay()}, or {@link #fixedRate()}
 * attributes must be specified.
 * <p>The annotated method must expect no arguments. It will typically have
 * a {@code void} return type; if not, the returned value will be ignored
 * when called through the scheduler.
 * <p>Processing of {@code @Scheduled} annotations is performed by
 * registering a {@link ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor}. This can be
 * done manually or, more conveniently, through the {@code <task:annotation-driven/>}
 * element or @{@link EnableScheduling} annotation.
 * <p>This annotation may be used as a <em>meta-annotation</em> to create custom
 * <em>composed annotations</em> with attribute overrides.
 * @author Mark Fisher
 * @author Dave Syer
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @since 3.0
 * @see EnableScheduling
 * @see ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
 * @see Schedules
@Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE})
public @interface Scheduled {


 * {@code @Configuration} class that registers a {@link ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor}
 * bean capable of processing Spring's @{@link Scheduled} annotation.
 * <p>This configuration class is automatically imported when using the
 * {@link EnableScheduling @EnableScheduling} annotation. See
 * {@code @EnableScheduling}'s javadoc for complete usage details.
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @since 3.1
 * @see EnableScheduling
 * @see ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
public class SchedulingConfiguration {

	public ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor scheduledAnnotationProcessor() {
		return new ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor();



 * Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.scheduling.annotation;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.springframework.aop.support.AopUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanNameAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.SmartInitializingSingleton;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.AutowireCapableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.NamedBeanHolder;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.support.RootBeanDefinition;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.EmbeddedValueResolverAware;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent;
import org.springframework.core.MethodIntrospector;
import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
import org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotatedElementUtils;
import org.springframework.scheduling.TaskScheduler;
import org.springframework.scheduling.Trigger;
import org.springframework.scheduling.config.CronTask;
import org.springframework.scheduling.config.IntervalTask;
import org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTask;
import org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTaskRegistrar;
import org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronTrigger;
import org.springframework.scheduling.support.ScheduledMethodRunnable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringValueResolver;

 * Bean post-processor that registers methods annotated with @{@link Scheduled}
 * to be invoked by a {@link org.springframework.scheduling.TaskScheduler} according
 * to the "fixedRate", "fixedDelay", or "cron" expression provided via the annotation.
 * <p>This post-processor is automatically registered by Spring's
 * {@code <task:annotation-driven>} XML element, and also by the
 * {@link EnableScheduling @EnableScheduling} annotation.
 * <p>Autodetects any {@link SchedulingConfigurer} instances in the container,
 * allowing for customization of the scheduler to be used or for fine-grained
 * control over task registration (e.g. registration of {@link Trigger} tasks.
 * See the @{@link EnableScheduling} javadocs for complete usage details.
 * @author Mark Fisher
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @author Chris Beams
 * @author Elizabeth Chatman
 * @since 3.0
 * @see Scheduled
 * @see EnableScheduling
 * @see SchedulingConfigurer
 * @see org.springframework.scheduling.TaskScheduler
 * @see org.springframework.scheduling.config.ScheduledTaskRegistrar
 * @see AsyncAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
public class ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
		implements MergedBeanDefinitionPostProcessor, DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor,
		Ordered, EmbeddedValueResolverAware, BeanNameAware, BeanFactoryAware, ApplicationContextAware,
		SmartInitializingSingleton, ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent>, DisposableBean {

	 * The default name of the {@link TaskScheduler} bean to pick up: "taskScheduler".
	 * <p>Note that the initial lookup happens by type; this is just the fallback
	 * in case of multiple scheduler beans found in the context.
	 * @since 4.2
	public static final String DEFAULT_TASK_SCHEDULER_BEAN_NAME = "taskScheduler";

	protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

	private Object scheduler;

	private StringValueResolver embeddedValueResolver;

	private String beanName;

	private BeanFactory beanFactory;

	private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

	private final ScheduledTaskRegistrar registrar = new ScheduledTaskRegistrar();

	private final Set<Class<?>> nonAnnotatedClasses =
			Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<Class<?>, Boolean>(64));

	private final Map<Object, Set<ScheduledTask>> scheduledTasks =
			new IdentityHashMap<Object, Set<ScheduledTask>>(16);

	public int getOrder() {

	 * Set the {@link org.springframework.scheduling.TaskScheduler} that will invoke
	 * the scheduled methods, or a {@link java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService}
	 * to be wrapped as a TaskScheduler.
	 * <p>If not specified, default scheduler resolution will apply: searching for a
	 * unique {@link TaskScheduler} bean in the context, or for a {@link TaskScheduler}
	 * bean named "taskScheduler" otherwise; the same lookup will also be performed for
	 * a {@link ScheduledExecutorService} bean. If neither of the two is resolvable,
	 * a local single-threaded default scheduler will be created within the registrar.
	public void setScheduler(Object scheduler) {
		this.scheduler = scheduler;

	public void setEmbeddedValueResolver(StringValueResolver resolver) {
		this.embeddedValueResolver = resolver;

	public void setBeanName(String beanName) {
		this.beanName = beanName;

	 * Making a {@link BeanFactory} available is optional; if not set,
	 * {@link SchedulingConfigurer} beans won't get autodetected and
	 * a {@link #setScheduler scheduler} has to be explicitly configured.
	public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) {
		this.beanFactory = beanFactory;

	 * Setting an {@link ApplicationContext} is optional: If set, registered
	 * tasks will be activated in the {@link ContextRefreshedEvent} phase;
	 * if not set, it will happen at {@link #afterSingletonsInstantiated} time.
	public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
		this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
		if (this.beanFactory == null) {
			this.beanFactory = applicationContext;

	public void afterSingletonsInstantiated() {
		// Remove resolved singleton classes from cache

		if (this.applicationContext == null) {
			// Not running in an ApplicationContext -> register tasks early...

	public void onApplicationEvent(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
		if (event.getApplicationContext() == this.applicationContext) {
			// Running in an ApplicationContext -> register tasks this late...
			// giving other ContextRefreshedEvent listeners a chance to perform
			// their work at the same time (e.g. Spring Batch's job registration).

	private void finishRegistration() {
		if (this.scheduler != null) {

		if (this.beanFactory instanceof ListableBeanFactory) {
			Map<String, SchedulingConfigurer> configurers =
					((ListableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory).getBeansOfType(SchedulingConfigurer.class);
			for (SchedulingConfigurer configurer : configurers.values()) {

		if (this.registrar.hasTasks() && this.registrar.getScheduler() == null) {
			Assert.state(this.beanFactory != null, "BeanFactory must be set to find scheduler by type");
			try {
				// Search for TaskScheduler bean...
				this.registrar.setTaskScheduler(resolveSchedulerBean(TaskScheduler.class, false));
			catch (NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException ex) {
				logger.debug("Could not find unique TaskScheduler bean", ex);
				try {
					this.registrar.setTaskScheduler(resolveSchedulerBean(TaskScheduler.class, true));
				catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex2) {
					if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
						logger.info("More than one TaskScheduler bean exists within the context, and " +
								"none is named 'taskScheduler'. Mark one of them as primary or name it 'taskScheduler' " +
								"(possibly as an alias); or implement the SchedulingConfigurer interface and call " +
								"ScheduledTaskRegistrar#setScheduler explicitly within the configureTasks() callback: " +
			catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
				logger.debug("Could not find default TaskScheduler bean", ex);
				// Search for ScheduledExecutorService bean next...
				try {
					this.registrar.setScheduler(resolveSchedulerBean(ScheduledExecutorService.class, false));
				catch (NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException ex2) {
					logger.debug("Could not find unique ScheduledExecutorService bean", ex2);
					try {
						this.registrar.setScheduler(resolveSchedulerBean(ScheduledExecutorService.class, true));
					catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex3) {
						if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
							logger.info("More than one ScheduledExecutorService bean exists within the context, and " +
									"none is named 'taskScheduler'. Mark one of them as primary or name it 'taskScheduler' " +
									"(possibly as an alias); or implement the SchedulingConfigurer interface and call " +
									"ScheduledTaskRegistrar#setScheduler explicitly within the configureTasks() callback: " +
				catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex2) {
					logger.debug("Could not find default ScheduledExecutorService bean", ex2);
					// Giving up -> falling back to default scheduler within the registrar...
					logger.info("No TaskScheduler/ScheduledExecutorService bean found for scheduled processing");


	private <T> T resolveSchedulerBean(Class<T> schedulerType, boolean byName) {
		if (byName) {
			T scheduler = this.beanFactory.getBean(DEFAULT_TASK_SCHEDULER_BEAN_NAME, schedulerType);
			if (this.beanFactory instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
				((ConfigurableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory).registerDependentBean(
			return scheduler;
		else if (this.beanFactory instanceof AutowireCapableBeanFactory) {
			NamedBeanHolder<T> holder = ((AutowireCapableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory).resolveNamedBean(schedulerType);
			if (this.beanFactory instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
				((ConfigurableBeanFactory) this.beanFactory).registerDependentBean(
						holder.getBeanName(), this.beanName);
			return holder.getBeanInstance();
		else {
			return this.beanFactory.getBean(schedulerType);

	public void postProcessMergedBeanDefinition(RootBeanDefinition beanDefinition, Class<?> beanType, String beanName) {

	public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {
		return bean;

	public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(final Object bean, String beanName) {
		Class<?> targetClass = AopUtils.getTargetClass(bean);
		if (!this.nonAnnotatedClasses.contains(targetClass)) {
			Map<Method, Set<Scheduled>> annotatedMethods = MethodIntrospector.selectMethods(targetClass,
					new MethodIntrospector.MetadataLookup<Set<Scheduled>>() {
						public Set<Scheduled> inspect(Method method) {
							Set<Scheduled> scheduledMethods = AnnotatedElementUtils.getMergedRepeatableAnnotations(
									method, Scheduled.class, Schedules.class);
							return (!scheduledMethods.isEmpty() ? scheduledMethods : null);
			if (annotatedMethods.isEmpty()) {
				if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
					logger.trace("No @Scheduled annotations found on bean class: " + bean.getClass());
			else {
				// Non-empty set of methods
				for (Map.Entry<Method, Set<Scheduled>> entry : annotatedMethods.entrySet()) {
					Method method = entry.getKey();
					for (Scheduled scheduled : entry.getValue()) {
						processScheduled(scheduled, method, bean);
				if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
					logger.debug(annotatedMethods.size() + " @Scheduled methods processed on bean '" + beanName +
							"': " + annotatedMethods);
		return bean;

	protected void processScheduled(Scheduled scheduled, Method method, Object bean) {
		try {
			Assert.isTrue(method.getParameterTypes().length == 0,
					"Only no-arg methods may be annotated with @Scheduled");

			Method invocableMethod = AopUtils.selectInvocableMethod(method, bean.getClass());
			Runnable runnable = new ScheduledMethodRunnable(bean, invocableMethod);
			boolean processedSchedule = false;
			String errorMessage =
					"Exactly one of the 'cron', 'fixedDelay(String)', or 'fixedRate(String)' attributes is required";

			Set<ScheduledTask> tasks = new LinkedHashSet<ScheduledTask>(4);

			// Determine initial delay
			long initialDelay = scheduled.initialDelay();
			String initialDelayString = scheduled.initialDelayString();
			if (StringUtils.hasText(initialDelayString)) {
				Assert.isTrue(initialDelay < 0, "Specify 'initialDelay' or 'initialDelayString', not both");
				if (this.embeddedValueResolver != null) {
					initialDelayString = this.embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(initialDelayString);
				try {
					initialDelay = Long.parseLong(initialDelayString);
				catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"Invalid initialDelayString value \"" + initialDelayString + "\" - cannot parse into integer");

			// Check cron expression
			String cron = scheduled.cron();
			if (StringUtils.hasText(cron)) {
				Assert.isTrue(initialDelay == -1, "'initialDelay' not supported for cron triggers");
				processedSchedule = true;
				String zone = scheduled.zone();
				if (this.embeddedValueResolver != null) {
					cron = this.embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(cron);
					zone = this.embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(zone);
				TimeZone timeZone;
				if (StringUtils.hasText(zone)) {
					timeZone = StringUtils.parseTimeZoneString(zone);
				else {
					timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();
				tasks.add(this.registrar.scheduleCronTask(new CronTask(runnable, new CronTrigger(cron, timeZone))));

			// At this point we don't need to differentiate between initial delay set or not anymore
			if (initialDelay < 0) {
				initialDelay = 0;

			// Check fixed delay
			long fixedDelay = scheduled.fixedDelay();
			if (fixedDelay >= 0) {
				Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
				processedSchedule = true;
				tasks.add(this.registrar.scheduleFixedDelayTask(new IntervalTask(runnable, fixedDelay, initialDelay)));
			String fixedDelayString = scheduled.fixedDelayString();
			if (StringUtils.hasText(fixedDelayString)) {
				Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
				processedSchedule = true;
				if (this.embeddedValueResolver != null) {
					fixedDelayString = this.embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(fixedDelayString);
				try {
					fixedDelay = Long.parseLong(fixedDelayString);
				catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"Invalid fixedDelayString value \"" + fixedDelayString + "\" - cannot parse into integer");
				tasks.add(this.registrar.scheduleFixedDelayTask(new IntervalTask(runnable, fixedDelay, initialDelay)));

			// Check fixed rate
			long fixedRate = scheduled.fixedRate();
			if (fixedRate >= 0) {
				Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
				processedSchedule = true;
				tasks.add(this.registrar.scheduleFixedRateTask(new IntervalTask(runnable, fixedRate, initialDelay)));
			String fixedRateString = scheduled.fixedRateString();
			if (StringUtils.hasText(fixedRateString)) {
				Assert.isTrue(!processedSchedule, errorMessage);
				processedSchedule = true;
				if (this.embeddedValueResolver != null) {
					fixedRateString = this.embeddedValueResolver.resolveStringValue(fixedRateString);
				try {
					fixedRate = Long.parseLong(fixedRateString);
				catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
					throw new IllegalArgumentException(
							"Invalid fixedRateString value \"" + fixedRateString + "\" - cannot parse into integer");
				tasks.add(this.registrar.scheduleFixedRateTask(new IntervalTask(runnable, fixedRate, initialDelay)));

			// Check whether we had any attribute set
			Assert.isTrue(processedSchedule, errorMessage);

			// Finally register the scheduled tasks
			synchronized (this.scheduledTasks) {
				Set<ScheduledTask> registeredTasks = this.scheduledTasks.get(bean);
				if (registeredTasks == null) {
					registeredTasks = new LinkedHashSet<ScheduledTask>(4);
					this.scheduledTasks.put(bean, registeredTasks);
		catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
			throw new IllegalStateException(
					"Encountered invalid @Scheduled method '" + method.getName() + "': " + ex.getMessage());

	public void postProcessBeforeDestruction(Object bean, String beanName) {
		Set<ScheduledTask> tasks;
		synchronized (this.scheduledTasks) {
			tasks = this.scheduledTasks.remove(bean);
		if (tasks != null) {
			for (ScheduledTask task : tasks) {

	public boolean requiresDestruction(Object bean) {
		synchronized (this.scheduledTasks) {
			return this.scheduledTasks.containsKey(bean);

	public void destroy() {
		synchronized (this.scheduledTasks) {
			Collection<Set<ScheduledTask>> allTasks = this.scheduledTasks.values();
			for (Set<ScheduledTask> tasks : allTasks) {
				for (ScheduledTask task : tasks) {




target–> Spring 容器 bean实例

method –> Bean对象方法


 * Copyright 2002-2012 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.scheduling.support;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;

import org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils;

 * Variant of {@link MethodInvokingRunnable} meant to be used for processing
 * of no-arg scheduled methods. Propagates user exceptions to the caller,
 * assuming that an error strategy for Runnables is in place.
 * @author Juergen Hoeller
 * @since 3.0.6
 * @see org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor
public class ScheduledMethodRunnable implements Runnable {

	private final Object target;

	private final Method method;

	public ScheduledMethodRunnable(Object target, Method method) {
		this.target = target;
		this.method = method;

	public ScheduledMethodRunnable(Object target, String methodName) throws NoSuchMethodException {
		this.target = target;
		this.method = target.getClass().getMethod(methodName);

	public Object getTarget() {
		return this.target;

	public Method getMethod() {
		return this.method;

	public void run() {
		try {
		catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
		catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
			throw new UndeclaredThrowableException(ex);



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